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Part 1: Scientific conference
Day 1 - 10th September
09:00Registration and Coffee Break
09:30Welcome Address
Federal Ministry on behalf of Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) (Hartmut Stalb)
Thünen Institute
Keynote Dr. Andy Reisinger
Coordinating Lead Author for the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
11:004 Parallel Sessions
1. Innovative Approaches in GHG monitoring and MRV
Keynote: Werner Kutsch (ICOS-EU)
2. Mitigation Potential
Keynote: Agustin del Prado (BC3 Spain)
3. Cost and Implementation
Keynote: Anna Maria Loboguerrero (CCAFS)
4. Global Challenges and Policies
Keynote: Ben Henderson (OECD)
12:30Lunch Break
13:30Parallel Sessions (continued)
15:30Coffee Break
16:00Parallel Sessions (continued)
17:30Poster Session
19:00Buffet at the Venue and Networking
Day 2 - 11th September
09:00Parallel Sessions (continued)
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Outcome of the Conference and Wrap-up in Plenary Session
12:00End and Lunch
Part 2: Stakeholder Conference
12:00Lunch and registration
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture and GRA Chair Julia Klöckner (tbc)
FACCE-JPI, FACCE-JPI Chair Hartmut Stalb
Ministry for Primary Industries
Minister of Agriculture and Minister for Biosecurity, Food Safety, and Rural Communities
Hon Damien O'Connor, New Zealand
Keynote European Commission (EC) - Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development - Jerzy Bogdan Plewa
Keynote Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Keynote World Farmers' Organisation (WFO) - President Theo de Jager
14:45Coffee Break
15:15Panel Discussion: Challenges and opportunities for implementing agricultural mitigation
FAO - Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department - Assistant-Director General René Castro Salazar
EC - Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development - Jerzy Bogdan Plewa
WFO - President Theo de Jager
World Wildlife Fund, EAT Foundation
Global Food Lead Scientist
Sonja Vermeulen
16:15Explenation of different Thematic Working Groups in Plenary
16:30Thematic Working Groups
1. Livestock
2. Cropland and Rice
3. Soil Management
4. Consumption
19:00Social Event
Day 3 - 12th September
09:00Welcome Back
09:15Outcome of the Scientific Conference by the respective Rapporteurs
10:00Overview and Visions by FACCE, GRA and CCAFS Initiatives and Research Projects
10:45Coffee Break
11:15Best Practice Examples from Research Projects
Former Chairwoman of the Copa Cogeca Working Party on Environment, Dr. Liisa Pietola
Chairman, Punjab State Farmers Commission, Mr Ajay Vir Jakhar, Chandigarh, Punjab, India (tbc)
13:00Thematic Working Groups
Cross-Cutting Questions:
1. Which risks have to be considered and how to minimise these (e.g. leakage effects)?
2. How can food policy support mitigation?
3. How to catalyse public-private investment in mitigation?
4. Knowledge and research gaps: Where do we need to develop cross nation research?
15:00Coffee break
15:30Wrap-up by Rapporteurs
16:30Outcome of the Conference (Reporting) and Wrap-up
17:00Closure and Outlook
17:30End of Conference
Day 4 - 13th September (Excursions)
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