Part 1: Scientific conference | |
Day 1 - 10th September | |
09:00 | Registration and Coffee Break |
09:30 | Welcome Address |
Federal Ministry on behalf of Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) (Hartmut Stalb) | |
Thünen Institute | |
10:00 | Plenary |
Keynote Dr. Andy Reisinger | |
Coordinating Lead Author for the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) | |
11:00 | 4 Parallel Sessions |
1. Innovative Approaches in GHG monitoring and MRV | |
Keynote: Werner Kutsch (ICOS-EU) | |
2. Mitigation Potential | |
Keynote: Agustin del Prado (BC3 Spain) | |
3. Cost and Implementation | |
Keynote: Anna Maria Loboguerrero (CCAFS) | |
4. Global Challenges and Policies | |
Keynote: Ben Henderson (OECD) | |
12:30 | Lunch Break |
13:30 | Parallel Sessions (continued) |
15:30 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | Parallel Sessions (continued) |
17:30 | Poster Session |
19:00 | Buffet at the Venue and Networking |
Day 2 - 11th September | |
09:00 | Parallel Sessions (continued) |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Outcome of the Conference and Wrap-up in Plenary Session |
12:00 | End and Lunch |
Part 2: Stakeholder Conference | |
12:00 | Lunch and registration |
13:00 | Welcome |
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) | |
Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture and GRA Chair Julia Klöckner (tbc) | |
FACCE-JPI, FACCE-JPI Chair Hartmut Stalb | |
Ministry for Primary Industries | |
Minister of Agriculture and Minister for Biosecurity, Food Safety, and Rural Communities | |
Hon Damien O'Connor, New Zealand | |
13:30 | Plenary |
Keynote European Commission (EC) - Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development - Jerzy Bogdan Plewa | |
Keynote Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | |
Keynote World Farmers' Organisation (WFO) - President Theo de Jager | |
Discussion | |
14:45 | Coffee Break |
15:15 | Panel Discussion: Challenges and opportunities for implementing agricultural mitigation |
FAO - Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department - Assistant-Director General René Castro Salazar | |
EC - Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development - Jerzy Bogdan Plewa | |
WFO - President Theo de Jager | |
World Wildlife Fund, EAT Foundation | |
Global Food Lead Scientist | |
Sonja Vermeulen | |
16:15 | Explenation of different Thematic Working Groups in Plenary |
16:30 | Thematic Working Groups |
1. Livestock | |
2. Cropland and Rice | |
3. Soil Management | |
4. Consumption | |
19:00 | Social Event |
Day 3 - 12th September | |
09:00 | Welcome Back |
09:15 | Outcome of the Scientific Conference by the respective Rapporteurs |
10:00 | Overview and Visions by FACCE, GRA and CCAFS Initiatives and Research Projects |
10:45 | Coffee Break |
11:15 | Best Practice Examples from Research Projects |
Former Chairwoman of the Copa Cogeca Working Party on Environment, Dr. Liisa Pietola | |
Chairman, Punjab State Farmers Commission, Mr Ajay Vir Jakhar, Chandigarh, Punjab, India (tbc) | |
12:00 | Lunch |
13:00 | Thematic Working Groups |
Cross-Cutting Questions: | |
1. Which risks have to be considered and how to minimise these (e.g. leakage effects)? | |
2. How can food policy support mitigation? | |
3. How to catalyse public-private investment in mitigation? | |
4. Knowledge and research gaps: Where do we need to develop cross nation research? | |
15:00 | Coffee break |
15:30 | Wrap-up by Rapporteurs |
16:30 | Outcome of the Conference (Reporting) and Wrap-up |
17:00 | Closure and Outlook |
17:30 | End of Conference |
Day 4 - 13th September (Excursions) |
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